Monday, December 12, 2011

dream&believe? That's what we did.

Okay. I had pictures to go with this post but when i saved it to work on it later. Apparently they didn't save... I am house sitting right now and I don't have the pictures on the computer I am writing on. When I get home and get a minute I will upload them. On to the post.
This school year I started working at Poston Junior High School with the MIMD class. These kids are the special ed class where they only leave for elective courses and most of the time the other aide or I go with them to the elective. I absolutely love it. I couldn't ask for a better job. The kids are so innocent and love everyone. They all have such different personalities and you can't help but love them. Sometime they drive you crazy and you want to kill them all but what kid isn't like that... :))
I knew softball season for intermerals was coming up and I was curious as to if I would be able to coach at Poston. The junior high season is during the second quarter/the last 6 weeks before winter break. I was at the girls soccer game with a co-worker and the team lead/asst. principal showed up. She was talking about how she was looking for coaches for softball and I told her I would love to do it!! So guess who got the job?!?! I did!! I was excited. As much as I loved my Kino kids and my Westwood girls, I was excited that I would be able to coach a team when as soon as we stepped onto the field we could work on situations or anything. I didn't have to start from the beginning, ex: this is how you throw a ball, no your glove goes on this hand etc. Season was on its way. We had a VERY bad start. Our first game we lost 13-3. Ya, we got run-rulled... it was bad. But after that things went better and better... during season our record was 4-1. pretty good right?! Well post-season tourney came. I was super nervous, for a couple reasons. 1-- I had never coached a winning team before and 2-- there was alot of pressure on me that i wasn't used too!!! Our record was one of the better, so we got a buy to the second round. Our first tourney game came and we killed it. The score was 6-2. The best game we had played all season.... Little did I know it was about to get even better. That Saturday was semi-finals and finals. If we won semi we would play a double header to play in the final game. We played Rhodes for semi finals and won 13-1. yup!! They did amazing!!!! (side note:: the other game that would decied who would play in the final game was Smith vs. Shepherd... Smith had a perfect record so we all had a feeling that's who we would be playing... Their game finished before we did so some of the parents and the athletic director went to see who won... Low and behold SHEPHERD won!! I got excited because we had beat them before and so I knew it gave us a good chance on winning. But since they beat Smith I was nervous about how they played...) I talked to my girls about having to play their hardest since Shepherd was obviously having a really good day... The final game went by soooo fast. I didn't even know it was the 6th inning. When the ump told me it was the final inning I told him it wasn't and he did prove me wrong... ha! I didn't tell my girls that it was the 6th inning because I didn't want them to freak out and loose it. As soon as they got the 3rd out and they were running in like every other inning, as soon as they got to me, I said "Ladies guess what, YOU JUST WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!" They freaked out and started hugging and couldn't believe it. It was an amazing day.
As we started tournement I gave them a motto to play by... It was dream&believe. For all 3 tourney games we had it written on our arms. Making sure that it stuck in our head. My girls had a hard time before tourney with believing in themselves, so I knew this would be good for them. And it was. It got us through and made us champions! Best top 5 days EVER!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Birthday SEESTERRRR!!! :))

Tomorrow is your 7th birthday. This last year we have gotten so close. We've had some amazing times together. Lot's of running away from everyone to us just watching a movie together or coloring. We've had so much fun getting to know eachother. When you're older and reading this I hope you understand how much our relationship means to me. I also hope that our friendship will never die. You know that I will ALWAYS be here for you no matter what you choose or go through in life. You can call me when you are on a bad date and want to come home. I'll come get you. I'll come get you when you're at a party and things are going on you don't want to be around. I can't believe how much you have grown since I've know you and can't wait to watch you grow into the beautiful young woman that you're gonna be. I love you mucho!!!

Here are some pictures that have been taken in the last year.... :))

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The year of 2010

Welp... 2010 is over. It's crazy to think about how fast this year has gone. There have been lots of up's and down's. Lot's people know about, alot that people don't know about. But everything has changed me. Good or bad, it's changed me. I've grown to know certain people better, and grown apart from others, learned that you can't trust everyone and that people aren't always going to be there for you. Even if they know it's when you need them the most. I've learned that you have to stand up for yourself, and not let others decide what you need to do in life, or what your next step will be, who you should and shouldn't hang out with. Because in the end..... it makes you, you. You're the only one that can change who you are. And if you don't want to... you don't have to. Everything in life is based on decisions you make. I know that everyone always tells you that and you grow up with people telling you that. But it never really hits that it's true, until it happens to you personally. Some of you know that the beginning of 2010 didn't start out to hot for me. That I dealt with alot of crap from people I thought I knew better than I really do. It wasn't fun, but it mad me grown up faster than I thought I had to. People I thought would be there for me no matter what choices I made, weren't there for me anymore. They showed their true colors and made me realize that friends and family have to earn their trust from me. Of course things did get better, I coached softball, went to school, and had a TON of new adventures that were worth every minute. Living in Idaho and being away from everything I knew was exactly what I needed. Even though it didn't work out and I didn't get to stay, I loved that I went and experienced something that I needed. Working at Kino, getting to know new people, trying new things, being someone that I want to be has been awesome and I wouldn't change the year of 2010 for anything. I posted some pictures of things that have happened in 2010. I hope that eveyone learned and grew from what has happened in that last year and hopefully 2011 will be just as awesome. Love you all!!!!

These aren't in any certain order.... ha!