Thursday, November 20, 2008

QuOtE bOoK!!!!

Okay I am working on a quote book... I got really bored in math one day and started doodleing... Well i absolutely love the song Crazy Dreams by Carrie Underwood.. Well one of the lines in the song in Thank God Even Crazy Dreams Come True... I know it doesn't contain the best choice of words but i love the idea of it... (I hope that makes sense to you guys but it does in my head) So i doodled it all cute and then i showed it to some of my friends and they gave me the idea to collect peoples favorite quotes and then do the same idea.... so if you guys could comment and give me your favorite quotes that would be GREAT!!!! and please not TO long!!! Thanks all!!!!


Sasha said...

I love that idea thats cute. I love the quote by pres hinkley that says "In all of living have much fun and laughter, life is to be enjoyed not just endured." Or just shorten it to life is to be enjoyed not just endured

Anonymous said...

"You know you’re in Love when you can’t sleep... because reality is finally better than your dreams." Oh my goodness I love this quote... don't know who its by but yeah!

Annamarie said...

"I know I am somebody because God don't make no junk." I don't know who it is by.